Canadian Martial Arts Centre
tel.(905) 331-5344

Bushin: Warrior Mind

“…after a short time, the father called out, this time for his second son, who was also quick to respond. He came to the door and immediately opened it. Out of the corner of his eye, he glimpsed the falling vase, and his action was swift and conclusive; nimbly and smoothly he leaped to one sid...


The Martial Arts Seminar

A seed plot is an area of land that is designated for the growing of plants for transplanting. The seeds are sown, and proper care in their growth is taken over a period of time as they mature. While gardening and agriculture are important facets of our human experience and even an important skill f...


The Martial Arts Seminar

A seed plot is an area of land that is designated for the growing of plants for transplanting. The seeds are sown, and proper care in their growth is taken over a period of time as they mature. While gardening and agriculture are important facets of our human experience and even an important skill f...


Mushin – No Mind

“After quite a while, the grandmaster called out for his eldest son. As was his nature, the number one son was quick to hear his father’s call and came swiftly and gracefully to the door. There was an almost imperceptible pause. The son smoothly pulled the door open to his right, at the same time re...


The Cultural and Linguistic Significance of the Japanese Sword

Our article today comes from the August/September issue of Black Belt magazine contributing columnist Dave Lowry on how the samurai katana is used as a linguistic device in contemporary Japan. In Japan, the sword was the weapon that dominated. Whether you were a samurai who carried two swords or a m...


Revisiting Shoshin, a Beginner’s Mind

A perusal through a technical manual, one similar to Gichin Funakoshi’s Karate do Kyohan or Nyumon, will yield a written understanding of the techniques pertaining to kata or technique. After a few years of training, one may find themselves marvelling at how they’ve retained such extensive informati...


The History of Okinawan Karate – Blossoming

The twentieth century would bring about radical changes and advancements the world over. In Okinawa, it was time for the growing –te arts to spread. The Satsuma occupation had long since passed, and these styles were too accessible and enjoyable a physical education to keep in the dark. No more grav...


The History of Okinawan Karate – Blossoming

The twentieth century would bring about radical changes and advancements the world over. In Okinawa, it was time for the growing –te arts to spread. The Satsuma occupation had long since passed, and these styles were too accessible and enjoyable a physical education to keep in the dark. No more grav...

Today is 19 March
4:00PM 9:00PM

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Quote of the day

"Face one opponent as if you were facing ten thousand; face ten thousand opponents as if you were facing one."

Miyamoto Musashi

"When your temper rises, lower your fists; when your fists rise, lower your temper."

Chojun Miyagi