Canadian Martial Arts Centre
tel.(905) 331-5344

Nictric Oxide

If the following benefits sound reasonable to you, – Enhanced blood flow through vessel dilation , – Quicker repair of bone and tissue, – Improved regulation of the brain, liver, and heart, …then consider moving towards having a more nitric oxide-efficient diet. Nitric Oxide (NO fo...



This year’s energy will be much more conducive to positive change if one is open to the subtle insights and intuitions coming from the self on the inside. Meditation should still be part of your everyday regimen with the underlying goal of establishing some harmony in reality through self-bala...


Video of the Week Ep. 22 – Wudang/CMAC & Hard Qigong

This is a short video of two students from the Wudang Taoist Traditional Kungfu Academy–Yuan Shen Cai and Tian Shao Miao are performing the Wudang hard qigong —bending the three really sharp spears with the throat. Please take notice of the white CMAC tee being worn by the master. That i...


Video of the Week Ep. 21: Anti-Bullying Social Experiment

In light of the recent anti-bullying week, this video is a social experiment conducted by a YouTube regular, known as FouseyTUBE. He posts regularly, some prank videos, some silly ones, but this one is of a more serious nature. His simplified articulation may be just the message a younger generation...


Video Of The Week Ep. 20 – Safety Net Services

This video should tell you all you need to know. Oakville DOES have people that live below the poverty line. Oakville DOES have thousands of people that live below the poverty line. Our new partnership with them allows our community to serve the greater community that we live in. Please help any way...


Sacred Attire: The Karate Uniform

Classical karate is born and bread from spiritually. The belt and the gi are sacred. Not to be messed with, not to be mishandled, and certainly not to be disrespected. The student starts with a white belt, which represents purity, an empty vessel. As you grow in knowledge you receive darker and dark...


Video of the Week – Ep. 19: “The Biscotti Kid”

This is a silly parody of the “karate kid” for children to help teach them listening skills. Make some time with your children and enjoy. Talking to your children about listening is the best way to get them to listen!


MA Fitness Ep 8: Suspended “V” Sits

The suspended “V” sit or Bosu “V” sit is an advanced ab workout that focuses on stabilizing your core as well as building it stronger. This exercise is not for beginners and certainly not for someone that has a weak back. The Bosu “V” sit is great for us martial a...


What does it mean to become a black belt?

To achieve shodan, or first degree black belt, only means that you have mastered the basic language of the art. It is not the goal and you are not a Sensei. The time involved is the price of admission to a life style of growth and constant change. It is the opportunity to empty your cup to make way...


The Right Fit…

As we finish up summer and get into the swing of “back to school” I struggle with something that I can’t control. For someone that has been training since a child and knows nothing better than the martial arts it’s hard not to take this personally. It’s obviously nothin...

Today is 20 March
11:00AM 9:00PM

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Mention This Promo & New Karate Memberships Are 10% Off Until March 26

Quote of the day

"Face one opponent as if you were facing ten thousand; face ten thousand opponents as if you were facing one."

Miyamoto Musashi

"When your temper rises, lower your fists; when your fists rise, lower your temper."

Chojun Miyagi