Canadian Martial Arts Centre
tel.(905) 331-5344

Video of the Week – Ep. 15: Elizabeth

Believe it or not Elizabeth is only 15 years old and has been training in karate for only 3 months at the time of this video. On top of that she had only been in Canada for 3 months at the time of this video! Visiting from Ukraine for the summer, it was our pleasure to host such a hard worker and de...


Video of the Week – Ep. 14: Raman

Here’s another featured student from the Kaze Hatsu dojo. Have you ever seen so much “air”? This is far harder than Raman makes it look; try it sometime, you’ll see. He hits the bag 4 times before coming back to Earth…WOW!!! For more information please visit www.kitayam...


Tough Mudder Toronto 2012 Review

Here is the official video of the recently run Toronto Tough Mudder at Mt. St. Louis Moonstone on August 18. Our team of 13, plus others, from our school ran it and had a tonne of fun! In the video is the actual course and obstacles we overcame. I even remember at one point running with the guy in t...


World’s Toughest Mudder!

Here’s a video of the “World’s Toughest Mudder”! We did the Toronto mudder this year on August 18, 2012 and the Toronto mudder in 2013 is May 11 and 12. The video above features their “toughest” mudder; a 24 hour challenge to determine who can finish the most amou...


Tough Mudder Survived!!

Good Day All! Well, we did it! The Tough Mudder is 17 kms of mud and ski hills combined with 19 challenging obstacles. I did the Warrior Dash last year and it was a cake walk compared to this. I’ve been training a long time and this was one of the most satisfying achievements to date. Of course I ca...


Farewell but not goodbye!

Alice and Sophie would like to say farewell to all of you because as of this week we say farewell to two of the dojos longest training students in Sophie and Alice as they are moving to New York. You will be missed by all and remembered forever! Come back and visit often! Please post your own farewe...


Paint ‘Em Blue For Autism!!

As some of you know I recently painted my nails blue to raise money and awareness for autism. This was done at an event here at the dojo just Saturday morning. While most of the men removed their paint immediately after their picture I wore mine, not just for the day, for the whole weekend. I though...


…never hurts to ask!

Hello All, I am a modest man trying to live a simple modest life and help as many people as I can along the way. But I am a teacher first and if there is a lesson that can be learned from the following story then that is why I am sharing it and for no other reason. I have been sharing this story in...


Video of the Week Ep. 13 – The Greatest Speech Ever Made

Possibly the greatest speech ever given was by Charlie Chaplin in the 1940 movie “The Great Dictator.” Fast forward to the year 2011, it is just as relevant (if not more so) today than it was over 70 years ago. Back then, the rise of Nazi Germany and Adolf Hitler was a concern to the world on the br...


Martial Arts Titles

Martial arts titles – With the addition of new black belts here at the Kaze Hatsu Dojo it is a good time to review some simple martial arts titles that individuals can hold over their karate careers. Mr. or Ms./Mrs. When a student achieves the rank of shodan, or first degree black belt, it is...

Today is 21 March
4:00PM 8:00PM

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Quote of the day

"Face one opponent as if you were facing ten thousand; face ten thousand opponents as if you were facing one."

Miyamoto Musashi

"When your temper rises, lower your fists; when your fists rise, lower your temper."

Chojun Miyagi