Canadian Martial Arts Centre
tel.(905) 331-5344

Education and Integrity

I am still getting used to using a blog as a forum to help answer some thoughts on the subject of martial arts. I much prefer face to face but what is a martial artist if they are unable to adapt and change with the ebbs and flows of time itself? In another post I’ll give you a martial artists perspective on time but today is just about training.

Back in November I posted “Education vs Recreation”. If you haven’t read it please take the time because I go into deeper detail regarding today’s state of the martial arts. Today’s question is: “Why are karate students in general not as well trained as they once were?”

I’ve thought about this. I’ve meditated on this. I can only come up with one answer…tolerance. I compare it to ballet somewhat. It has been my experience that a poor ballet teacher will not be tolerated by the general public but a poor karate teacher will be. I believe that it has a lot to do with what’s mainstream. Look at the original “Karate Kid”. Keeping in mind that I realize it’s just a movie and Ralph Macchio is just an actor, I will be making a good point. His technique was terrible, he was scared and vulnerable the whole movie but he prevailed in the end due to good character and a positive attitude. This is exactly the message we want to send to our kids. This is a great movie for that. But if you look at it again, everyone in that movie that knew karate were bigger, faster, stronger and technically better in every way. In reality “Daniel-san” would never have won the first round. The message here was that as long as you develop a strong spirit you don’t have to have good technique. This is a bad message.

Classical ballet on the other hand relies on strict discipline to develop perfect technique and posture. You take classical ballet expecting perfection and therefore you won’t tolerate anything less. I don’t believe people have the same confidence of understanding when choosing a martial arts school.

A lot of people think that just because they themselves or their children are being taught good moral or ethical lessons it means they are learning good martial arts. That’s only part of it. I know dozens of black belts that are very polite, upstanding and extremely intelligent but couldn’t fight themselves out of a paper bag if they really had to. I apologize if I sound abrasive but a true martial artist is an artist of life. Getting your next belt or winning a tournament, although fun and can be fulfilling, are not as important as having the confidence to defend yourself during…say…a home invasion.

I firmly believe that ALL black belts should be able to manage themselves in the areas of mind, body and spirit. It’s the reason why CMAC does not allow students to get their black belt before the age of 18. It’s the main reason why when children get a senior level like green belt and up it can take a seemingly long time to progress to the next level. When you or your child seek a real education it should be expected that certain standards are met. If one plus one equals two and you get that wrong, should you really be allowed to advance to grade two? I have lost many students that have quit simply because I wouldn’t let them test for their next belt due to lack of progress. For children there is a fine line that must be walked by a Sensei between true progress and incentive to help them progress. All too often I see other instructors turn to incentive first.

My integrity with the martial arts is worth more than money. There are a lot of karate schools that will take your money and only ask for your attendance. Fortunately for you I require more than that, I also ask for effort. Think about it this way…imagine the strict perfection of a classical ballet school combined with the spiritual development of classical karate. That’s what I’m trying to build here at the Canadian Martial Arts Centre…that’s my promise to you and your children!


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Quote of the day

"Face one opponent as if you were facing ten thousand; face ten thousand opponents as if you were facing one."

Miyamoto Musashi

"When your temper rises, lower your fists; when your fists rise, lower your temper."

Chojun Miyagi