Canadian Martial Arts Centre
tel.(905) 331-5344

Inner Ninja Lyrics

Below is the second chorus to a song called “Inner Ninja” by Luke Boyd, professionally known as Classified. Luke Boyd is a Canadian rapper and producer from Enfield, Nova Scotia. He sends a strong message that the kids of the dojo can connect with…through martial arts! Connecting w...


Education and Integrity

I am still getting used to using a blog as a forum to help answer some thoughts on the subject of martial arts. I much prefer face to face but what is a martial artist if they are unable to adapt and change with the ebbs and flows of time itself? In another post I’ll give you a martial artists...


MA Fitness Ep. 7 – Stair Training

This is one of the training sessions I did regularly to get ready for the Tough Mudder. There are A LOT of hills on the tough mudder course due to the fact that it’s Mount St. Louis Moonstone ski complex. Doing weighted stair climbing and then a 5 to 10 km run is a great way to condition the b...


MA Fitness Video Ep. 6 – Sailor Press

The Sailor Press is a great little exercise that can be performed on it’s own for a longer duration or can be done as part of a larger circuit. The sailor press is an overall body work out that starts with the core and chest in a push-up then core and back with the weighted row before your leg...


Video of the Week Ep. 17 – The 12 Days Of Training

Singing black belts is a holiday tradition here at the dojo. Every year the new black belts sing a holiday song to lift our spirits. This group sang at our 2008 Christmas dinner and was a huge success! I hope you enjoy. Happy holidays and happy New Year!! All the best to you and your family in 2013!


“My name is David”

…my name is David and when I was home I dealt with many challenges from PKU (Phenylketonuria). PKU is a condition that I was diagnosed with since birth, affecting my protein intake. It has immensely affected my emotional, mental and psychological capabilities. My father was the primary caretak...


Two Words: “Hard Work”

I came across this video and it echoes the same messages that I teach everyday in class. The students will know the following phrases from my teachings and they are the same lessons I hope are supported at home. Martial Arts is not just a physical element but psychological; it has to be trained ever...

Today is 18 February
4:00PM 9:00PM

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Quote of the day

"Face one opponent as if you were facing ten thousand; face ten thousand opponents as if you were facing one."

Miyamoto Musashi

"When your temper rises, lower your fists; when your fists rise, lower your temper."

Chojun Miyagi