Canadian Martial Arts Centre
tel.(905) 331-5344

Tough Mudder Survived!!

Good Day All! Well, we did it!

The Tough Mudder is 17 kms of mud and ski hills combined with 19 challenging obstacles. I did the Warrior Dash last year and it was a cake walk compared to this. I’ve been training a long time and this was one of the most satisfying achievements to date. Of course I can’t speak for everyone on the team but doing this team challenge with only one hand meant something special for me.

I would like to congratulate each team member for their fantastic effort!

From the Kaze Hatsu Dojo: Mr. Liddy, DJ, Kenney, Josh, Ian, Vicky, Talisha, Oleg

From the Beaches Dojo: Mr. Jones, Chris M., Sava

From the Hasu Dojo: Ms. Kochmanova

There were members that took the teammate persona to a new level and those individuals should be recognised for their extra effort. First off I would like to thank Christopher May of the beaches dojo for being SUPER prepared. He had extra energy packs for everyone on the almost 5 hour ordeal. He was also the most considerate member making sure everyone was taken care of before himself. Second was Oleg from the Kaze Hatsu dojo. He wasn’t as vocal as Chris but anytime you stuck out your hand there was an above average chance that it was Oleg’s hand you were meeting. Next are the “super soldiers”, Mr. Liddy and Kenney McCoy from the Kaze Hatsu dojo. Not much else I can say about them but if you needed over the wall Mr. Liddy was the one that made sure everyone was over. If you needed to be dragged up the next hill Kenney was your horse.

And I also tip my hat to Sava of the beaches who should have, by all accounts, quit due to muscle cramping. He literally limped the last 5kms!!! But he didn’t quit. He persevered and was an inspiration to all of us! And Talisha…Talisha is a non-student and a
modest mother who had been skeptical of her own success since the beginning. When she proclaimed that “I will NOT climb another hill”, she did. When she exclaimed “I CAN’T get up another hill”, she did. And I was never more proud of her than when she ran up the Everest obstacle, almost effortlessly, while I watched young athletic men slam face first into the same obstacle.

This challenge was psychological as much as it was physical and when it came to conquering fears no one was tougher than DJ. She overcame her fear of heights, her claustrophobia and everyone’s fear of electro shock in order to succeed. Kudos!

Next year we hope to have an even bigger team and maybe even two, a leisure team and a competitive team. The leisure team will do what we did this year and just go through it and have fun but hopefully we can also have a competitive team to finish in the top 10 percentile. The people that finish in the top 10 percentile qualify for the “Toughest Mudder” which is an 24 hour endurance challenge. That’s what I’ll be gunning for next year in order to make up for my broken effort this year. We’re smarter, we’ll
be stronger and it can’t come soon enough!

The next Toronto Mudder is May 11 and 12, 2013 so registration will start in the Fall. I will let everyone know asap what the team name is so that you can register early and get the cheapest price for doing so. With the money we save we would love to get actual team jersey’s to run in!

Pictures are coming soon.



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Quote of the day

"Face one opponent as if you were facing ten thousand; face ten thousand opponents as if you were facing one."

Miyamoto Musashi

"When your temper rises, lower your fists; when your fists rise, lower your temper."

Chojun Miyagi