Canadian Martial Arts Centre
tel.(905) 331-5344

Video of the Week Ep. 12 – Bo Sequence

Kobudo is the art of ancient Japanese weaponry. To consider yourself a complete martial artist it is important know all aspects of self defence. Kobudo gives you a heightened sense of self awareness with your empty hands and therefore increases your ability to defend yourself and your loved ones. Karate techniques mirror kobudo techniques so the two arts compliment each other.

Here are two students demonstrating a bo (staff) sequence. This type of training is known as yaku soku kumite.


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Quote of the day

"Face one opponent as if you were facing ten thousand; face ten thousand opponents as if you were facing one."

Miyamoto Musashi

"When your temper rises, lower your fists; when your fists rise, lower your temper."

Chojun Miyagi